About the Clinic
Dr. Kiran Kumar K
A: Academic Achievements:
Dr. Kiran Kumar K., specializes in the field of Mental Health & Psychiatry with 14 years of experience. He is a qualified MBBS Doctor from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, which he completed in 2005. Then he pursued his Master of Doctorate degree in Psychiatry from JSS Medical College, Mysore. He was the Gold Medallist (first rank in MD Psychiatry) from RGUHS for the Year 2009 and was the Best outgoing MD (Psychiatry) Student from JSS Medical College, Mysore. Dr. Kiran has been awarded ‘Kateel Appu Pai’ award from Indian Psychiatric Society- Karnataka Chapter (IPS-KC).
B. Affiliations:
Dr. Kiran is associated with Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) and Indian Association of Private Psychiatry (IAPP) as a Life member and had served as the Hon. Editor of IPS-KC and Hon. Secretary and currently Hon. Treasurer of IAPP-Karnataka Branch. Dr. Kiran is also registered with Karnataka Medical Council with Registration Number-KMC 71326.
Dr. Kiran, is also interested in academia and is a recognized post graduate teacher from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore (RGUHS).
Past affiliations: Dr. Kiran, was the visiting Consultant Psychiatrist to;
1. VIMS Hospital, Marathahalli: From 2010-2019
2. Brookefield Hospital: From 2011-2019
3. Narayana Hospital, Whitefield: 2015-2019
C: Research:
He has numerous national and international research publications to his credit.
Editor of Book titled “Glimpses of Psychiatry for Medical students and Practioners” (https://www.mindsunited.org/publications-1)
Author of Chapter in Book titled “Perspectives in Psychiatry Training” for postgraduate students. (https://www.mindsunited.org/publications-1)
Kiran Kumar K. A comparative study of different modalities of treatment in nicotine dependence syndrome. Asian J Psychiatry, 2015, Oct, 17; 29–35. (For full details of the article:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1876201815001677?via%3Dihub)
Kiran Kumar K. Clinical profile of female suicide attempters. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2015, Nov (92), 15741-5. (For full details of the article: https://jemds.com/latest-articles.php?at_id=9535)
Kiran Kumar K. A Descriptive Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Associated With Non- fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempts. Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(2):205-215.( For full details of the article: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/460)
Kiran Kumar K. A Gender Specific Analysis of Suicide Methods in Deliberate self-harm. Indian J Soc Psychiatry 2017;33:7-21(For full details of the article: http://www.indjsp.org/article.asp?issn=0971-9962;year=2017;volume=33;issue=1;spage=7;epage=21;aulast=Kumar)
Kiran Kumar. K. Factors associated with suicide methods among non-fatal suicide attempters in a general hospital. Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(4):491-505. (For full details of the article: https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/index.php/ijmrr/article/view/508/985)
Case Report: Kiran Kumar K. Malignant Catatonia and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in relation to disulfiram overdose. Indian J of Psychological Med. 2015. (For full details of the article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27570348/)
Case Report: Kiran Kumar K., Arnold-Chiari malformation and agenesis of the corpus callosum in a case of brief psychotic disorder. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2018; 2: 42–5. (For full details of the article: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6291/7e1cfa76824a1159b0a17c60980b6e2aadb9.pdf)
Letter To The Editor: Kiran Kumar K., Physical comorbidities in patients visiting the psychiatric outpatient department in a tertiary hospital in India. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Feb;25:136-137. (For full details of the article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28262135/)
D: Areas of Interest:
Adult Psychiatry
Mood Disorders including Depression & Bipolar Disorders
Anxiety & Panic Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Substance Use Disorders
E: Other Interests:
This is a Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization envisaged with a vision to promote Health sciences and Humanity.
For details: https://www.mindsunited.org/
F: Invited Guest Lectures:
Dr. Kiran Kumar K., is a regular invited guest speaker on various Mental Health topics at several conferences and also for corporate clients.